FAQs of Trademark Registration in Japan
- What is a trademark?
- Can no-regident aliens in Japan become a representative?
- What are the minimum requirements to set up an office?
- How long does it take before a trademark is registered?
- Is there any restrictions on filing a trademark application for an unused mark?
- What must I provide to register a trademark in Japan?
- What should I know before I file a trademark application?
- Can collective marks be registered in Japan?
- Must a trademark be in use to be registered?
- Can I pay my registration or renewal fees in instalments?
- How can I file an opposition?
- In Japan, can sounds, smells, and position marks be registered as trademarks?
- In Japan, can trademarks be registered for retail services?
- Is it necessary to “register” a trademark to get protection in Japan?
- How is a well-known trademark protected in Japan?
- Can applicants delete some unnecessary classes when filing a request for renewal?
- Are there any ways through which I can revoke a registered trademark?
- When is the ‘power of attorney’ necessary in Japan?
- What are the fees for maintaining a trademark application registration?
- What are the benefits of trademark registration?
- What are the marks to be avoided when choosing a Trademark or Service Mark?
- What if a payment for renewal is missed?
- Can I register my domain name as a trademark?
- What is claiming priority?
- What happens if any oppositions or objections arise during the registration process?
- Which Intellectual Property rights are registrable?
- In which case will my Trademark registration be cancelled before tenure?
- How is the indication of Registered Trademark In Japan?
- Will there be any additional fees later on?
- If the registered trademark has become famous in Japan, is there any additional way, other than the trademark registration, to protect the mark?
- Will it be better to file an international application or file it directly, when filing a trademark application in Japan?
- When registering a trademark I must specify the classes, what are the classes and how do I know in which classes to register?
- Can I enjoy the priority benefit when applying for a trademark in Japan if I already have obtained a trademark right in my home country?
- What is the procedures for obtaining a trademark right? / What do I need to do to obtain trademark registration?
- I live outside Japan. Can I directly file an application for trademark registration with the Japan Patent Office?
- What is the duration for trademark rights and how can I renew my trademark registration?
Trademark Registration Office in Japan
Patent Attorney:Hiroshi Oogai
Address:304 BUREX Hirakawacho 1-5-15, Hirakawa-cho,
Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, Japan
Mail:contact @ trademark-registration-japan.com