Trademark Registration Fees in Japan
In order to protect your trademark against any unauthorized use it is highly recommended that you register your trademark. In Japan this is done by Japan Patent Office (JPO).
There are 2 ways of registering your trademark: One is Do It Yourself (DIY) and second is with the help of an attorney.
Registering trademark by yourself [Do It Yourself]
The fee to be paid when you wish to register the trademark yourself are the ‘application fee’ and ‘registration fee’. These are amount to be paid to the Japanese Government officially.Trademark applications can be filed online to the Japan Patent Office (JPO).The “application fee” is to be paid when you submit your application to the Japan Patent Office (JPO). The official fee to be paid to JPO is ¥3,400 + ¥ 8,600 per classification. If you have 2 classification the application fee comes to ¥3,400 + (¥ 8,600 x 2) i.e. 3,400 + 17,200 = 20,600 and so on.
After submitting your application, it will undergo a “Formality Examination” and then after that there will be a “Substantive Examination” by the JPO. The whole process for registration will take about 8 months if there is no objection or notification for refusal and if a notification for refusal is issued, it will take an additional period of 6 months depending on the reasons for refusal.
If there is no notification of refusal, your submitted trademark will be approved and you will have pay an additional ¥37,600 per classification within 30 days from the date of approval.
A trademark right will expire after a period of 10 years from the day on which the trademark was registered and you will have to renew it within that timeframe.
Application of Trademark through attorney
The second method is to file the trademark application through an attorney. In this case you will have to pay the attorney for the service done by him. So you will have to pay the attorney for searching the availability of the name and filing the application called the ‘application fee’ and again for the process done at the time of registration called the ‘registration fee’.
The “application fee” is the fee that you will have to pay to the attorney for searching the availability of the trademark applied by you. It also includes filling the application for registration. If this process is not done systematically, the patent office will reject your application and you will have to redo the whole process again. The application fee for attorney differs from each attorney.
The next set of fee to be paid is the “registration fee”. This fee is to be paid to the attorney for undertaking the process of registration of your trademark. Here the attorney will do all the required steps for registering your trademark. This fee again varies according to the attorney.
Trademark Registration Office in Japan
Patent Attorney:Hiroshi Oogai
Address:304 BUREX Hirakawacho 1-5-15, Hirakawa-cho,
Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, Japan
Mail:contact @