The word “candy” to be trademarked by developer of Candy Crush Saga, developer of Candy Crush Saga is now getting close to trademarking the term “candy,” but anyone interested in the term can still object to the process. filed an application for trademarking the word “candy,” in February 2013 to which the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office approved for publication on Jan. 15.  The process is not complete as those who object now has 30 days to register their complaints. really should not be able to successfully obtain registration, because under trademark law, you can’t own exclusive rights to a word that is descriptive of the goods or services being offered under that trademark.

The claim by King simply seek control over the word “candy” for use in software products, educational services, and clothing—including bath robes, ear muffs, shower caps, underwear, and paper hats.  It does not specify any font style, size, or color for the word “candy”.

Apple has already started cautioning developers whose application and game titles include the word “candy,” including “All Candy Casino Slots’ Jewel Craze Connect: Big Blast Mania Land”, according to reports from GameZebo.

King argues that though the game shares no gameplay, the game’s App Store icon simply reads “Candy Slots,” which, could lead to consumer confusion and damage to its brand.

“We don’t enforce against all users of ‘CANDY’—some are legitimate and of course, we would not ask Apple developers who use the term legitimately to stop doing so,” the company said in a statement. “We believe this App name [All Candy Casino Slots] was a calculated attempt to use other companies’ IP to enhance its own games, through means such as search rankings.”

King has already trademarked “Candy” in the EU, a spokesperson said, where the company’s IP is “constantly” being infringed.

Trademark Registration in Japan

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