‘Johnny Football’ trademark case won by Johnny Manziel
Johnny Manziel has reportedly been successful in a legal battle over the right to trademark his nickname, “Johnny Football” although there is a possibility of a pending appeal. However, the income from outside that he could receive as a result of this victory is not small.
The claim for the name “Johnny Football” was filed by Kenneth R. Reynolds Family three months before Manziel claimed; however, the U.S. Trademark and Patent Office issued a letter to the company last week refusing the claim for the name on the ground that the phrase didn’t refer to a specific person. As per reports from espn.com, the content of the letter read: “Registration is refused because the applied-for mark consists of or includes a name, portrait, or signature identifying a particular living individual whose written consent to register the mark is not of record.” The letter also contained articles that mentioned Manziel as “Johnny Football.”
Anticipating that a possible appeal or a request by the Reynolds Company for reconsideration fails, this will allow Manziel’s company, JMAN Enterprises, to carry on with its claim for the rights to the name. If none of the steps are taken Reynolds within the next six months, the matter regarding trademark for the name will be closed. Whatever be the case, the opportunity in store for Manziel in the case will be huge.
Once the trademark is acquired by Manziel’s company, it would legally prevent merchandise peddlers from using the phrase “Johnny Football” in their apparels without the consent of Manziel. This would mean that whichever apparel company wants to use the name Johnny Football on a T-shirt, hat or coffee mug would have to reach an agreement with Manziel for a fee or royalty for the use of the name. It is mostly believed that the Johnny Football business will outlive the Johnny Football athletic career by a long way.
Trademark Registration in Japan
Patent Attorney:Hiroshi Oogai
Address:304 BUREX Hirakawacho 1-5-15 Hirakawa-cho,
Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo
Mail:contact @ trademark-registration-japan.com