An Alabama Football Fan Attempts to Trademark ‘Famous Jameis’

The question of whether a person should get his/her name trademarked always evokes interesting legal quandaries and compelling stories for news organizations. Before the news about the sexual assault investigation on Florida State quarterback Jameis Winston, an interesting story was revealed about an Alabama football fan attempting to trademark the phrase ‘Famous Jameis’. The effort to trademark the phrase was undertaken by a graduate at the University of Alabama-Birmingham’s medical school, Dr. Mukul Mehta.

The team that Winston is currently playing for is the second best team in the country, and he is also likely to end up playing for the BCS National Championship against the Alabama Crimson Tide. He is also in the race for the coveted Heisman Trophy, an esteemed award that goes to the top college football player in the nation each year.

Pamela Deese, a partner with Arent Fox in Washington D.C. observes that if Winston moves promptly, he can likely defend his name from being trademarked. Deese had successfully helped Houston Rockets point guard Jeremy Lin in defending his name in the event of a similar situation that sprang up last year.

Even though Dr. Mehta denies having any plans to trademark the name, it is possible that Winston will be able to protect his name. Winston has become very popular in the last two months and it will be difficult for anyone other than Winston to register the mark as the name is mostly identifiable only with him.

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